I’m so glad you’re considering applying to Harvard Medical School. I hope you’ll spend some time navigating through our site and finding out more about this wonderful institution. Medical education is a demanding experience everywhere, but it helps to be at a school that supports you to be academically successful, cares about your well-being, and allows you to form amazing bonds with the faculty. So much of medical school lies outside of the classroom -- in the clinics and on the wards -- and we’ve got some of the best hospitals around at which to learn and grow as a future doctor. Boston is a vibrant, dynamic, young person’s city, and we strive every day at HMS to have a positive impact on our fellow human beings in this amazing center of education and health care. We look forward to seeing your application – thanks so much for taking the time to learn more about us.
Bernard S. Chang, MD
Dean for Medical Education
Daniel D. Federman, MD Professor of Neurology and Medical Education
Chair, Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee