2558186 - Performance: RBKP table in Logistics Invoice Verification - SAP ERP & SAP S/4HANA

When working with Logistics Invoice Verification and the programs for the background check, performance issues may occur when accessing database table RBKP:

In order to avoid duplicate entries when entering an invoice in transaction MIRO or MIR7, the system checks whether or not it has already been entered.
However, this check must not only be carried out on invoices that are already posted. Invoices that are parked but not posted yet, stored as a logistics invoice documents in table RBKP, must also be examined.
The system searches in the table RBKP for an entry with the same company code, vendor, currency, document date, and external document number. This leads to a full table scan (this means a full search) of table RBKP.

When checking invoices in the background, using report RMBABG00, table RBKP is accessed. The access reads all invoices with invoice verification type 1 or 2 for a certain vendor. This access leads to a full table scan.

When reading the invoices in the Invoice Overview using transaction MIR6, an access is carried out on the table RBKP using the document number, fiscal year, company code, vendor number, user, document, or posting date. If no document number is specified, this leads to a full table scan.

The functions for holding and parking a logistics invoice are implemented together with a worklist tree, which can be displayed, if requried. This may also lead to a full table scan of the table RBKP.
